in their number, and they shall have all the rights in
and to the property on Broadway, Fell's Point, now
known as Saint Patrick's School House, and which
was granted by the said Act, to which this is an
amendment, to the Board of Trustees created under
said Act; and the said trustees created under this
Act, and their successors, shall have the power to
take and receive by deed, gift, purchase, devise or;
otherwise, any estate or property, not exceeding in
the whole, the annual value of ten thousand dollars,
and to apply the same to the use of said school, and
towards its support, with full power and authority to
make, have and use a common seal, and the same
to alter and renew at pleasure, and to make, alter
and amend rules and by-laws consistent with the pro-
visions of this charter, for the management of their
affairs, the conduct of their school, and the perpetu-
ation of their body.
2. This Act shall continue in force from the date
hereof, until the General Assembly shall repeal the
the same; which power to repeal is hereby expressly
reserved to said General Assembly of the State.
Approved April 1, 1872.
Rights and
In force.
AN ACT to make valid deeds for lands sold by non-
resident executors.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all deeds of conveyance heretofore
or hereafter duly executed, acknowledged and re-
corded, according to law, among the land records in
any county in this State by executors of the last will
and testament, executed with the formalities required
for the passing of real estate, by the laws of this State,
and proved according to law, of any non-resident
testator conveying lands lying in said county, shall
be as valid and effectual in law and equity as if made