In force.
of taxes, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far
as the same relates to Washington county; and the
provisions of said Act of eighteen hundred and
seventy, chapter three hundred and twenty-five, be
and the same are hereby extended and made to em-
brace Washington county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
AN ACT to amend chapter one hundred and twenty-
six, of the Acts of eighteen hundred forty-five,
passed February thirteenth, eighteen hundred and
forty-six, entitled " an Act to incorporate the
Trustees of Saint Patrick's School, Fell's Point, in
the City of Baltimore," and to amend and extend
sections one and two of said Act, as follows:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections one and two, of chapter one
hundred and twenty-six, of the Acts of eighteen hun-
dred and forty-five, passed February thirteenth, eigh-
teen hundred and forty-six, entitled " an Act to in-
corporate the Trustees of St. Patrick's School, Fell's
Point, in the City of Baltimore," be and the same is
hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows:
1. The Reverend John T. Saitley, Richard McDon-
all, Simon J. Kemp, John Wickersham and William
Coughlan, and their successors, be and they are
hereby created a body corporate, by the name and
style of the " Trustees of the Saint Patrick's School,
Fell's Point, in the City of Baltimore," and by that
name and shall be able and capable in law, from
time to time during the continuance of this Act,
to fill up and supply any vacancies which may occur