In force
or' the Acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, title
" Worcester county,'' sub-title " Elections," be and
the same is hereby amended by changing the name
of " Sandy Hill District, number eight," to the
name of Stockton District, number eight.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
To record
Fee for
AN ACT to amend the twenty-first section of the
seventh article of the Public Local Laws for Car-
roll county by adding a sub-section, making judg-
ments of Justices of the Peace in that county liens
on real and leasehold property.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section twenty-one, article seven,
of the Code of Public Local Laws for Carroll county,
be and the same is hereby amended by adding a
sub-section, making judgments of Justices of the
Peace in said county liens on real and leasehold
property, as follows:
SUB-SEC. 1. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for said county to keep in his office
a separate hook, and record therein all judgments
rendered by Justices of the Peace, which the plain-
tiff therein, his agent or attorney, may request to be
recorded, and such judgment shall be indexed in the
names of both parties; for recording and indexing
which, the clerk shall be entitled to twenty-five cents
and no more, to be paid by the plaintift; and such
judgment shall, from the time of filing and record-
ing the same, be a lien on the real and leasehold
property of the defendants lying in said county,
where the lease is for more than five years and re-
newable; and such judgment may be collected by