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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3346   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to supply Codes and Supplements to cer-
tain civil officers in Queen Anne's and Kent coun-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of.
Maryland, That the State Librarian be and he is
hereby directed to transmit, in manner hereinafter
prescribed, to Richard C. Tilghman, Chief Judge of
the Orphans' Court of Qneen Anne's county, and to
James Woofers, Clerk of the Circuit Court for said
county, and to James Beck, (of George,) Chief Judge
of the Orphans' court of Kent county, and Jesse E.
Hines, Clerk of Circuit Court of said county, one
copy of the Code and Supplements to each of the
aforesaid officers.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That these books shall be
carefully boxed by the State Librarian, and transmit-
ted to the Clerks of Queen Anne's and Kent county
Circuit Courts, with instructions to deliver them to
the officers for whom they are intended, on their
receipt; and to record the same, with a statement of
the transaction, among the proceedings of their re-
spective offices.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the officers in whose charge these copies of the
Code and Supplements are to be placed, to receipt
for them to the Clerks of the Circuit Courts of their
respective counties, and to use and keep them with
care, and to deliver them in good condition and un-
injured to their successors in office.
Approved April 1, 1872.

Librarian to
copies of
Code and
To be care-
fully boxed.
Duty of
officers re-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3346   View pdf image (33K)
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