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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3306   View pdf image (33K)
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the second day of the term of the said court next
succeeding the day of the filing of the said report,
and if no objection thereto be made, or if made shall
be overruled, the bald court shall order the said re-
port, plat and other proceedings of the commission-
ers to be recorded, and the said court shall have
jurisdiction and authority to hear and determine all
objections to the said report and proceedings, and
may amend or remand the same to the said com-
missioners for amendment, and the same, when
amended, shall be recorded and binding on all per-
sona whomsoever; and the said commissioners shall,
be and they are hereby authorized to employ counsel
to advise them in the execution of the powers vested
in them by this Act, and to appear for them in the
said court to answer such objections, if any be made
as aforesaid; and the County Commissioners of Som-
erset county are hereby required to pay such com-
pensation to said counsel as the said Circuit Court
shall allow.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That after the said report'
or amended report shall be recorded as aforesaid, it:
shall not be lawful to build or erect any wharf, pier,
improvement, or any structure of any kind in the
said river or cove, or extend the same from either
shore beyond or outside the building line, established
as aforesaid; and every person offending against the
provisions of this Act shall lie deemed guilty of a
public nuisance, and on indictment and conviction in
the said court, shall be fined a sum equal to the cost of
removing said nuisance, and shall be confined in the
public jail of the said county till the said fine and
cost shall be paid; and to enable the court to deter-
mine the amount of the said fine, they shall, at the
time of trial, hear evidence of the probable cost of
removing such nuisance; and if any person shall
unload, discharge, or throw overboard any ballast,
shells, stones, earth or other matter, in the said har-
bor defined as aforesaid, or shall fill up or obstruct
the navigation of the same, he or she shall also be
guilty of a public nuisance, and shall, on indictment
and conviction, as aforesaid, be punished by fine, at
the discretion of the court, and be committed as
aforesaid till the said fine and costs are paid.

To be
Not to throw


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3306   View pdf image (33K)
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