In force.
of Maryland in and to the personal estate whereof
the said William Frederick Carey died possessed, be
and the same is hereby granted and released to the
said Eleanor Koller, to whom the administrator of
the said deceased ie hereby authorized to pay what-
ever surplus may be in his hands for distribution
after the payment of the debts of the said intestate.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
Turn over
and deliver.
AN ACT to repeal an Act, passed at the January
session of the General Assembly of Maryland,
eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter one hun-
dred and fourteen, entitled an Act to incorporate
Towsontown, in Baltimore county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section one, section two, section
three, section four, section five, section six, section
seven, and section eight, of an Act passed at January
session of the General Assembly of Maryland, eigh-
teen hundred and seventy, chapter one hundred and
fourteen, entitled an Act to incorporate Towsontown,
in Baltimore county, be and each and all of said
. sections are hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And, he it enacted, That the Town Com-
missioners of Towsontown shall turn over and deliver
to the County Commissioners of Baltimore county,
all books and papers in their possession relating to
the affairs of the said town, and a full list and state-
ment of all taxes that have been levied and collected
by the said Town Commissioners from the time of
the first organization of the said town under its
charter, to the date of the repeal thereof, and all
money and all property of every kind in their pos-