SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That the three County Now
Commissioners, now in office in said county, shall0801
serve out the full time for which they were elected,
and receive such compensation as is now prescribed
by law.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty Duty
of the Board of County Commissioners, hereafter to
be elected under the provisions of this Act, for
Wicomico county, and of their successors, at the first
regular meeting of the board after they shall have
qualified, to proceed to designate by lot two mem-
bers of the said board, who shall remain in office for
four years form the date of their election.
SEC. 6. And he it enacted, That this Act shall take Info:
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
in office
serve out
of those
In force.
AN ACT to release to Mrs. Eleanor Koller all the
rights and interest of the State of Maryland in and
to the personal estate of William Frederick Carey,
of Baltimore city, deceased.
WHEREAS, William Frederick Carey, late of the,
City of Baltimore, died intestate, leaving no widow,
issue nor relatives of next of kin whatsoever capa-
ble of taking persona] property by succession under
the laws of this State; and
WHEREAS, it appears -that the personal property
whereof the said Carey died possessed in this State,
was acquired by the assistance of Eleanor Koller,
who also, on other grounds, had equitable claims
upon him; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the rights and interests of the State
Rights and