AN ACT to amend the Act passed at January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, chapter two
hundred and one, entitled " an Act to incorporate
and endow ' The Cambridge Female Academy,'"
so as to change the name of the corporation to that
of " The Cambridge Female Seminary."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the name of" The Cambridge Female
Academy," a corporation created and endowed under
the provisions of the Act passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, chapter two hun-
dred and one, entitled "an Act to incorporate and
endow ' The Cambridge Female Academy,'" be and
the same is hereby changed from that of " The Cam-
bridge Female Academy," to that of " The Cam-
bridge Female Seminary," and that the said corpo-
ration shall hereafter be known as " The Cambridge
Female Seminary," and by that name shall have and
succeed to all the rights, privileges, powers, property
and franchises, and be subject to all the debts, en-
gagements, contracts and liabilities which it enjoyed
and to which it was subjected under the name of
" The Cambridge Female Academy."
SEC. 2. And be. it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
In force.