AN ACT supplementary to an Act for the establish-
ment of a school in Caroline county, passed at
November session, in the year seventeen hundred
and ninety-eight, chapter thirty-three.
WHEREAS; As, by the provisions of chapter thirty-:
three, of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, for the establishment of a school in Caroline
county, passed at the November session, seventeen
hundred and ninety-eight, certain persons were
therein named as trustees, with power to appoint
their successors, and
WHEREAS, in process of time the said trustees de-
parted tins life, and the successors appointed by
them have also died, and the vacancies occasioned by
their decease have not been filled, as provided for in
the Act of Assembly hereinbefore mentioned, and
WHEREAS, doubts may arise whether the rights
and powers of said school, by virtue of said Act of
Assembly, as a corporation have not been forfeited
by reason of the failure to fill the vacancies aforesaid,
SECTION 1. -Be it enacted by the (General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Act entitled " an Act to establish
a school in Caroline county," and to incorporate
certain trustees therein named, passed at November
session, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, chapter
thirty-three, he and is hereby revived, and that the
said school be and it is hereby revived and con-
tinued; and that Dr. Thomas Hacket, Henry J.
Fisher, Charles IT. Fleming, diaries E. Jarreel,
William E. Barton, Hugh Duftey and Dr. Thomas
8. Holt, be and they are hereby declared to be the
legal trustees of said school, and shall have all the
privileges of the aforesaid Act, as if the same had
not been forfeited and lost.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect and go into operation from the date of its
Approved April 1, 1872.
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In force'.