for hoard, &c
for improvi'g
the library.
In force-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Treasurer, on the warrant of the
Comptroller, be and lie is hereby authorized and
directed, in addition to the three thousand dollars
now annually paid to the said visitors and governors,
to pay to their order the sum of twelve thousand
dollars annually, on and after the first day of June,
eighteen hundred and seventy-three, for and during
the term of six years.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer, on the
. warrant of the Comptroller, be and Ire is hereby
authorized and directed to pay to the said visitors
and governors the sum of ten thousand dollars per
annum, payable (quarterly, to be applied by them in
furnishing board, fuel, lights, and washing to two of
the students educated free of charge for tuition from
each senatorial district of this State, and appointed
by the Commissioners of the Primary Schools, by
and with the advice and consent of the Senator in
their respective senatorial districts, after a competi-
tive examination of the candidates; provided, that
the said appointment shall not be held by the same
student for more than four years, and that each stu-
dent receiving such appointment shall give his
bond to the State of Maryland for such amount, with
such security as may be approved of by the Princi-
pal of said college, that he will teach school within
this State for not less than two years after leaving
college; and should any student neglect or refuse to
teach the length of time required by this section, his
bond shall be liable.
i SEC. 3. And be it enacted.. That the Treasurer, on
? the? warrant of the Comptroller, be and he is hereby
authorized and directed to pay to the said visitors
and governors the sum of five thousand dollars, to
be applied by them in increasing and improving the
college library, laboratory, philosophical apparatus,
and cabinet.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.