SEC. 4. And he it enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Washington county be and they are
hereby) authorized and required to levy upon the
taxable property within the said county at the time
of the usual annual levy, a sum of money sufficient
to pay for the services of such watchman, not to ex-
ceed forty-five dollars per month; and in the mean-
time, before such levy may be available for such
purpose, they shall pay such watchman for his ser-
vices out of any monies not otherwise appropriated,
or out of the surplus fund, monthly.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the County Com-
missioners for Washington county be and they are
hereby required to levy upon the taxable property
within said county at the time of the usual annual
levy, such sum as may be sufficient to meet all de-
mands growing out of the provisions of this Act,
with full power and authority to provide funds in
anticipation of this levy, to meet the said demands as
the said rents and services may become due, and pay
the same to the persons entitled.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
to levy.
Required to
In force.
AN ACT for the relief of St. John's College.
WHEREAS, the visitors and governors of St. John'8
College have successfully reorganized that State In-
stitution of learning, and have gratuitously educated
a great number of students from the different coun-
ties of this State, in virtue of the annuity bestowed
by Act of General Assembly, which they propose to
continue to do, and also from the number of those
educated free of charge for tuition, to support two
students in the collegiate course from each senatorial
district of tins State, if aided by the State: there-