to employ
To qualify; ^
To fill
pay such owners of real estate in Hagerstown whose
property has been used, the rents that have been or
may hereafter be agreed upon for all rooms or offices
that shall have been or may hereafter be, at any
time, occupied by the Circuit Court for Washington
county as a court room for holding court, jury rooms,
and for any other purposes for said court; the Or-
phans' Court of said county, the Register of Wills,
the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Sheriff of said
county, as well as the County Commissioners, from
the sixth day of December, eighteen hundred and
seventy-one, and until the completion of suitable
places for them respectively in the court house to be
erected in said "town, in the place of the one destroyed
by fire.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Clerk and
the Register of Wills aforesaid are hereby authorized
to employ one man as a watchman, whose duty it
shall be to remain in a proper place during night
time, to be provided by said Clerk and Register from
the passage of this Act, until the completion of the
new court house, or as long as his services may be
required, to watch and guard the public records of
the respective offices of Register of Wills and Clerk
of the Circuit Court aforesaid, from loss by fire, theft,
or otherwise.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the person so em-
ployed, before he enters upon the discharge of the
duties as such watchman, shall take and subscribe
before the said clerk an oath or affirmation that he
will be at Ins post of duty every night, commencing
at nightfall, and remain on duty all night and until
relieved by the janitor of said Clerk and Register,
and that lie will well and faithfully watch and guard
the public records in the office and vaults of said
Clerk and Register from loss by fire, theft, or other-
wise; said person to be under the general direction
and control of said Clerk and Register, subject to re-
moval for neglect of duty, or otherwise; said Clerk
and Register, in case of removal of any person em-
ployed under the provisions of this Act, to have full
power and authority to fill the vacancy thus created,
or the vacancies in case of death of any person so