missioners shall have power to reject their work, or
make such abatement from the price as shall he just
and proper.
SEC. 4. And he if enacted, That there shall he ap-
pointed annually, the first appointment to date from
the time when the bridge shall be completed and
ready for use, some competent person to act as
bridge-keeper, who shall be always on the spot when
his duties may require his presence; and it shall be
his dirty to give free passage, by raising or removing
the draw, to all vessels which may approach said
bridge for the purpose of passing through the same;
and said bridge-keeper for his services shall receive
such compensation as the said County Commission-
ers shall think just and proper, to he provided for in
the annual levy.
SEC. 5. And] he it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
Appoint a
bridge keep'r
In force.
AN ACT directing the County Commissioners of
Washington county to pay owners of property
used and occupied by the Circuit Court for Wash-
ington county, the Orphans' Court, Register of
Wills, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Sheriff', and the
County Commissioners, from the time of the de-
struction of the Court House in said county and
until the same shall be rebuilt; and to authorize
the Clerk of the Court and Register of Wills to
appoint a watchman to watch at night the Public
Records, and provide payment for his services.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Wash-
ington county are hereby directed and required to
Authoriz'd to
pay for use of