"Fines and
In force
this Act, to levy a tax on all the taxable property
within the corporate limits of said town, not ex-
ceeding twenty-five cents on each one hundred
dollars worth of said property, to raise a fund for
the purpose of erecting a suitable police station-
house in said town, to be collected as other corpora-
tion taxes are now collected in said town, and the
said burgess and commissioners, or a majority of
them, are hereby authorized to contract lor and
superintend the building of said police station-house,
and to use the said fund or so much thereof as may
be necessary to pay for the same; and the said police
station-house, when completed by the contractors
and accepted by the burgess and commissioners of
said town, shall be used for the general police pur-
poses of said town.
SEC. 332. AH fines and forfeitures imposed by the
ordinances of the burgess and commissioners of said
town shall be imposed by the burgess of said town,
or by any Justice of the Peace of Washington
county, upon a warrant to be issued by him against
the offender, to any constable of said comity, and the
person convicted in default of payment may be com-
mitted to the said police station-house, when the
same shall he completed and accepted by the burgess
and commissioners of said town, instead of being
committed to the jail of Washington county, as is
now provided by law, until such fine and forfeiture
be paid, unless discharged in the manner provided
by section three hundred and thirty-three of said
article twenty-one of the Code of Public Local Laws,
entitled " Washington county," sub-title " Williams-
SEC. 2. And he it enacted. That tills Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.