insurance companies incorporated or organized
under the laws of tills State, and transacting lousiness
in such other State, or upon the agent of such in-
surance companies, not imposed by the laws of this
State, so long as such laws continue in force the
same taxes, fines, penalties, deposits and obligations
shall lie imposed upon all insurance companies doing
business in this State, which are incorporated or
organized under the laws of such other State, and
upon their agent or agents.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect from and after its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
In force,
AN ACT to add an additional section to article
twenty-one of the Code of Public Local Laws,
entitled "Washington county," sub-title " Wil-
liamsport," to come in after section three hundred
and thirty-one of said article, and also to repeal
section three hundred and thirty-two of said arti-
cle, and re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the following sub-section be added
to article twenty-one of the Code of Public Local
Laws, entitled "Washington county," sub-title
" Williamsport," to come in after section three hun-
dred and thirty-one of said article, and that section
three hundred and thirty-two of said article be and
the same is hereby repealed, and re-enacted so as to
read as follows:
SUB-SECTION 1. The burgess and commissioners of
the town of Williamsport, or a majority of them, for
the time being, be and they are hereby authorized
at any time within three years after the passage of
to build
police station