To deliver
book's and
Keep account
Grant certificate.
the text books at present in use, or hereafter intro-
duced, without leaving examined such as may be
recommended by the State Board of Education,
whose duty it is hereby made to present a list of
hooks to the several Boards of County School Com-
missioners, with their written reasons for such recom-
SEC'. 3. The Board of Comity School Commission-
ers shall authorize the delivery of books and station-
ery to the various schools in the county, under such
rides and regulations as they may adopt, 'No pupil
shall be required to pay more than one dollar quar-
terly for use of said books and stationery; but any
pupil, on account of pecuniary inability, may be
exempted from payment by the Board of District
School Trustees; provided, nevertheless, that parents
or pupils may purchase their own books when they
may think proper.
SEC. 4. The Board of County School Commission-
ers shall keep an account of the books and stationery
delivered to the several schools in their respective
districts, and file their receipts for the same.
CHAPTER XI.—County .Examiner.
SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the County Ex-
aminer to examine candidates for the profession of
teacher, in the presence of at least one member of
the Board of County School Commissioners, or one
or more of the District Trustees, and to give to such
persons as are found qualified, under the sanction of
the Board at its next meeting, a certificate setting
forth the branches such persons are competent to
teach; but no certificate shall be granted without
satisfactory evidence of the moral character of the
SEC. 2. The certificate issued by each County Ex-
aminer shall be numbered and registered in a book
kept by the Board of County School Commissioners,
and be delivered to their successors in office, and
shall be denominated first or second grade, as the
case may be; and the State Board of Education shall
keep a book in the same manner as the County Ex-