SEC. 5. Any person holding a first grade teacher's
certificate, or the diploma of a respectable college, or
of a State Normal School, who has been a teacher
for seven years, of which five shall have been spent
in the State of Maryland, may apply to the State
Board of Education for a life certificate, which if
granted shall exempt him from any further exami-
nations; said certificate may be annulled by said
Board at any time on account of immoral or unpro-
fessional conduct.
SEC. 6. The salaries of teachers of each county
shall be fixed by the Board of County School Com-
SECTION 1 All white youth between the ages of six
and twenty-one years shall be admitted into the
public schools of the State, the studies of which they
may be able to pursue; provided, that whenever there
are graded schools the teachers and Board of Dis-
trict School Trustees shall determine to which school
pupils shall be admitted.
SEC. 2. The Board of District School Trustees
shall have power to suspend and expel pupils for
cause; prodded, that an appeal shall lie to the Board
of County School Commissioners, whose decision
shall be final.
SEC. 3. Children living remote from the school of
the district in which they reside may attend school
in an adjoining district, with the consent of the
Boards of the respective school districts.
SEC. 4. Every child, before being admitted to any
public school, shall produce a certificate from a regu-
lar physician that lie has been properly vaccinated.
CHAPTER X.—Text Books.
SECTION 1. School books shall contain nothing of
a sectarian or partisan character.
SEC. 2. Each Board of County School Commission-
ers shall adopt and purchase the text books for their
respective counties, but no change shall be made in
Admit pupils
Living re-
mote from.
Not contain.
Not to be