AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay the
claims of Bartlett, Robbins and Company, Levin
Woolford, Michael and Brother, Gushing and
Medairy, Thomas H. Kemp, James A. Pearce,
Daniel Caulk, E. B. Prettyman, W. A. Page, J. J.
Stuart and Company, John Murphy and Company,
and J. E. Hayden.
SECTION 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of
Man/land, That the Comptroller of the Treasury be
and he is hereby requested and directed to issue Ins
warrant upon tie Treasurer to pay Bartlett, Robbins
and Company, for work done and materials furnished
for repairs to the State House, nine hundred and
ninety-four dollars and forty-four cents; to Levin
Woolford, for fees in State cases, due him as Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Somerset county, fifty-four
dollars and fifteen cents; to Michael and Brother,
for work done and materials furnished for repairs to
the Senate Chamber, as per order of the Secretary
of the Senate, nine hundred and thirty-one dollars
and twenty-one cents; to Gushing and Medairy, for
blank register-book for the use of the Secretary of
the Senate, forty-two dollars and twenty-five cents;
to Thomas H. Kemp, Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Caroline county, for fees due him in State cases, two
hundred and sixteen dollars and ninety-four cents;
to James A. Pearce, State's Attorney for Kent
county, for services in trial of oyster cases, seventy-
five dollars; to Daniel Caulk, for work done and
materials furnished in repairs to the Senate Cham-
ber and House of Delegates, per order of the Secretary
of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the House of
Delegates, eight hundred and six dollars and six
cents; to E. 13. Prettyman, Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Montgomery county, for fees due him in
State cases, one hundred and fifty-five dollars and
thirty-five cents; to W. A. Page, for hoops furnished
State Tobacco Warehouse, number one, forty-eight
dollars; to J. J. Stuart and Company, for sundries
furnished State Tobacco Warehouse, number two,
To pay sundry persons.