eight dollars and forty cents; to John Murphy and
Company, for maps furnished the General Assembly,
twenty dollars; and to J. E. Hayden, for repairs to
the clocks in the Senate Chamber and House of
Delegates, ten dollars and seventy-five cents.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take:
effect from and after its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
In force.
AN ACT to create a loan to provide for the payment
of the overdue debt of the State, and for exchang-
ing or taking; up the sterling debt of the State and
issuing a currency loan in lieu thereof.
WHEREAS, there are at this time bonds and certifi-
cates of debts of tills State overdue, and others on
which the interest is now payable, in London, com-
monly known as the sterling debt of the State,
amounting in the aggregate to six millions seventy-
one thousand and sixty-one dollars and twenty cents,
of which said debt has been due since eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-five; and the sum of one hundred and
ninety-two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars
and twelve cents, have been due since the year
eighteen hundred and seventy; and WHEREAS, not
only justice to the holders of this overdue debt
demands that the same be promptly redeemed; hut
the true interest of the State manifestly requires
that provisions be made therefor, and also for the
taking up of the said sterling debt and on the best
possible terms, for the consolidation of this debt, so
that the interest on all may be payable here in cur-
rency; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Genera! Assembly of'
Maryland, That a loan be and the same is hereby
created, to be called " The Maryland State Loan,'";
The Mary-
land State