Maryland Institute for the instruction of the Blind,
as per Act of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, fif-
teen thousand dollars; to the Board of Directors of
the Maryland Institution for the instruction of the
blind, for the education of the deaf and dumb and
blind colored children of this State, ten thousand
dollars; (to the Maryland Inebriate Asylum, twenty-
five hundred dollars;) to the House of Reformation
and Instruction for colored children, ten thousand
dollars; provided that the Comptroller shall be satis-
fied, from evidence brought before him, that the
managers have actually received from other sources
the sum of ten thousand dollars.
To the Night Watchmen of the Public Buildings,
(six hundred dollars each,) twelve hundred dollars;
to the person employed to take care of the Public
Buildings, five hundred and forty dollars; to the
Keeper of the Steam House and Record office fur-
nace, six hundred dollars; to the Assistant Keeper
of the Steam House and Record Office furnace,
six hundred dollars; for repairing the wall, fenc-
ing, gates and gas lamps around the State House,
the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, to
be expended under the direction of the Secre-
tary of the Senate; to a Messenger for the Gov-
ernor, seven hundred dollars; for the salary of the
State Vaccine Agent, six hundred dollars, and to de-
fray the expenses incurred by him in procuring reli-
able virus, the further sum of fourteen hundred dol-
lars; prodded, however, that nothing in tin's Act
shall be so construed as to increase his salary during
the term for which lie has been already appointed;
for the person employed to take charge of the Gov-
ernor's Mansion and the furnace thereof, five hun-
dred and forty dollars; for insurance on the Gov-
ernor's Mansion, three hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as the Governor may think necessary; to the
Librarian for distributing Maryland Reports and
Alexander's British Statutes, one hundred dollars;
for purchasing stationery, one hundred and fifty
dollars; for salary of Inspector General of Tobacco,
twenty-five hundred dollars; to Jas.* Franklin, Clerk