Sasscer, his wife, a lot of land containing eighteen
acres, to be used as a parsonage.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That tins Act, shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
In force.
AN ACT to amend the Act of eighteen hundred and
twenty-eight, chapter one hundred and thirty-six,
entitled an Act to incorporate the members of
Christ Church as a separate congregation of the
Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States.
WHEREAS, tire Vestry of Christ Church in the City
of Baltimore, referred to in the above entitled Act,
have recently erected a new church edifice upon a
lot of ground purchased by them on the northwest
corner of St. Paul and Chase streets, in the City
of Baltimore, and have called the same " Christ
AND WHEREAS, they are desirous of retaining the
church edifice on the corner of Gay and Fayette
streets, heretofore held by them, and formerly called
Christ Church, but now called "The Church of the
Messiah," as a place of worship, and as contribu-
tions for the purpose of so retaining said church have
been made by persons other than those connected
with the cobgregration of Christ Church, it is de-
sirous that said church, now called " The Church of
the Messiah," should beheld free from all debts con-
tracted, or to be contracted by the said Vestry of
Christ Church in reference to the said new edifice.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Vestry of Christ Church in
the City of Baltimore, incorporated by the Act of
eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, chapter one
Authoriz'd to
hold ground
and church