to jail.
Duty of the
of flues col-
In force,
of this Act, and for which tine and costs, when judg-
ment therefor is rendered, said trespasser or de-
fendant shall be by the Justice rendering such judg-
ment, committed to the jail of Baltimore county for
not less than five nor more than ten days, unless said
fine and costs are sooner paid.
SEC. 216. It shall be the duty of the several con-
stables acting within tire election districts of Balti-
more county, operated upon by the provisions of this
Act, to arrest upon view, and take and prosecute be-
fore a Justice of the Peace of said county, any per-
son trespassing as aforesaid, who, upon being noti-
fied by said constable to cease such trespass, shall
refuse or neglect so to do. All fines collected by
Justices of the Peace pursuant to the provisions of
this Act, shall be by said Justice paid over to the
Treasurer of Baltimore county for the use of the
public schools of said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
given to pur-
AN ACT to give tire sanction of the General Assem-
bly to the vestry of Trinity Church, Upper Marlboro, Prince George's county, to the holding of a
lot of ground containing eighteen acres for a par-
SECTION 1. -Be It enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sanction of the Legislature be
ands is hereby given to the purchase recently made
by the vestry of Trinity Church, in Upper Marlboro,
Prince George county, to hold from the Reverend
H. J. Kershaw and Frederick Sasscer, and Rosalie