to hold and
dispose of
vested in five
To be ap-
pointed by
the vestry.
Trustees to
serve for one
hundred and thirty-six, be and they are, by their said
corporate name, authorized to hold the said lot of
ground and church edifice now erected thereon, on
the northwest corner of St. Paul and Chase streets,
in the City of Baltimore, now called Christ Church,
in the same full and ample manner and transmit the
same to their successors, as they are authorized to
hold any property by virtue of the said original Act.
SEC. 2. And be if enacted, That the said Vestry of
Christ Church, in the City of Baltimore, shall be
authorized to hold and dispose of the property held
by them on the corner of Gay and Fayette streets,
with the church edifice thereon, formerly called
Christ Church, but now the Church of the Messiah,
free, clear and discharged from all debts of the said
corporation, except such as may be created in special
reference to the management of said church.
SEC. 3. And he it enacted, That in order that the
affairs of said Church of the Messiah may be man-
aged in such a way as to be separate from the charges
and expenses of said church, now called Christ
Church, the entire management and control of the
said Church of the Messiah shall be vested in five
trustees, to be appointed by the Vestry of Christ
Church in the City of Baltimore, and that said trus-
tees as appointed shall have such control in the
managing of said church as is now exercised by
Vestries of churches in the Protestant Episcopal
Church in the State of Maryland, except that the
said trustees shall have no power to create any debt,
charge or lien upon the said church, and shall have
no power to sell the same, and no power shall exist
to sell the same, except by the joint consent of the
Vestries of Church Church in the City of Baltimore
and Grace Church in the City of Baltimore.
SEC. 4. And be if enacted. That the said Vestry of
Christ Church in the City of Baltimore shall an-
nually, on or before the first day of May, make ap-
pointment of the said trustees to serve for one year
from said date; and in the event that, before said first
day of May in any year, there shall no appointment
be made as prescribed, that then the trustees of the