any kind to be found in his office; and in case of his'
default, to execute such a bond within twenty days
from the date of his appointment, the County Com-
missioners shall appoint another in his stead, and so
on, until a Treasurer has bonded as required by this
SEC. 49. Be it enacted That the County Treasurer
shall keep in the court house building, in the town
of Upper Marlboro, his office open from ten o'clock
in the forenoon until three o'clock in the afternoon,
three days in cadi and every week, to lie by him
designated, for the purpose of receiving State and
county taxes, and disbursing same as directed by
law, and shall also attend in person or by deputy in
each election district of said county two days between
the date of each animal levy and the first day of
October thereafter, at such place and time as he may
appoint, for the purpose of collecting said taxes; and
he shall give notice by advertisement in one paper
published in said comity, and by notice posted up in
three public places in each election district of said
county, in hand-bill form, of the time and place
where he will be in each of said districts for collect-
ing and receiving the same, notifying all those who
owe county taxes that if they are paid to him on or
before the first day of July and the first day of Octo-
ber, they will be entitled to a deduction of eight or
four per centum, according as they are paid, on or
before the respective dates hereinbefore mentioned,
and after the Treasurer has given the notices by
public advertisement, as directed by this section, and
complied with provisions of this Act, all those who
fail to pay their State and county taxes on or before
the said taxes are due and in arrear, as prescribed by
law, it shall only lie necessary for him to levy upon
the real or personal property within the limits of
Prince George's county, of any delinquent, and after
giving at least twenty days' notice of the time, terms
and place of sale, by advertisement in at least one
newspaper published in said county, shall, on the
premises or at the court house door of said county,
proceed to sell, by public auction, the property so
levied on for cash to the highest bidder, retaining
In case of de-
Office hours
of Treasurer.
Attend each
election dis-
To give no-
tice of time,
To levy on
property of