Treasurer re-
quired to pay
over proceeds
of taxes col-
To keep an
To present
In force.
out of the proceeds of such sale the amount of the-
taxes due from such delinquent, with interest there-
on, together with the cost incurred in making such
sale, and to pay the surplus, if any, to the owner
SEC. 50. And be it enacted, That the said Treasurer
shall keep and pay over, according to law or order
of the County Commissioners, the proceeds of all
county taxes levied in said county and collected by
him, and also keep and pay over to the Treasurer of
the State of Maryland, according to law, all the State
taxes levied in said county and collected by him; and
he shall keep a full, particular and correct account
of all moneys received by him and paid out, and of
all matters relating to the duties of his office, to-
gether with all vouchers relating thereto; he shall,
when required, present to the County Commissioners
a true and faithful exhibit of all moneys received by
him and of all that have been paid out by him.
SEC. 55.* That all Acts and parts of Acts incon-
sistent with this Act be and the same are hereby re-
SEC. 56. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
AN ACT to add additional .section to the Code of
Public Local Laws, article three, title " Baltimore
county," in relation to trespass.
WHEREAS, many idle and disorderly persons, un-
der pretence of hunting and fowling, trespass with
dogs and guns upon the land of persons residing in
Baltimore county, and especially adjacent to the City
of Baltimore, frequently shooting small insectivorous.