AN ACT to repeal sections forty-seven, forty-eight
and fifty, of article sixteen, of the Code of Public
Local Laws, entitled "Prince George's county,"'
under head of collectors, enacted by the Act of
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter three-
hundred and thirty, and sections forty-four, forty-
five, forty-nine, fifty-five and fifty-six of said article
sixteen, under same head, enacted by the Act of
eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter two hun-
dred and sixteen; and to repeal sections thirty-
seven, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-six and fifty-seven, of
article eighty-one, of the Code of Public General
Laws, entitled " Revenue and Taxes," in so far as
the same may relate to Prince George's county,
and to re-enact the following as sections forty -four,,
forty-five, forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty,,
fifty-five and fifty-six, of article sixteen, of the
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled " Prince
George's county," under head of collectors, in their
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section forty-seven, forty-eight and
fifty, of article sixteen, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, entitled "Prince George's county," under head
of collectors, enacted by the Act of eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, chapter three hundred and thirty,
and sections forty-four, forty-five, forty-nine, fifty-
five and fifty-six of said article sixteen, under same-
head, enacted by the Act of eighteen hundred and
seventy, chapter two hundred and sixteen, and sec-
tions thirty-seven, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-six and fifty-
seven, of article eighty-one, Code of Public General
Laws, entitled, " Revenue and Taxes," in so far as
tire same relates to Prince George's county, be and
the same are hereby repealed, and the following-
enacted as sections forty-four, forty-five, forty-seven,