In force.
centum on the amount of said taxes; all that shall
pay the same on or before the first day of October
of the said year, shall be entitled to a deduction of
four per centum; and all that shall pay the same on
or before the first day of November of the said year,
shall be entitled to a deduction of three per centum;
and at the time of receiving said taxes, the collector
shall make the deduction aforesaid, and note the
same upon the receipts given to the persona or in-
corporated institutions so paying, but nothing herein
contained shall extend to the taxes payable on the
public debt of Maryland, or the stock loans of the
City of Baltimore.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from and after the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
Create new
election dis-
AN ACT to amend the sixty-second section of arti-
cle one, of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating
to Election Districts in Allegany county, by adding
the following:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the following shall be added to sixty-
second section, article one, of the Code of Public
Local Laws for Allegany county.
SEC. 62. -Be it enacted, That Allegany County is
divided into sixteen election districts, according to
the present bounds and limits, but the County Com-
missioners of Allegany county shall have power and
authority to create new election districts in addition
to those already established in said county, when-
ever, in their judgment, the convenience of the voters
of the county, or any part thereof, would thereby be
promoted, and not otherwise; and shall have power
to abridge or enlarge any districts heretofore estab-