Treasurer to
In force.
to be appropriated by the Comptroller in proportion
to the number of colored inhabitants in each county
and Baltimore city, between the ages of six and
twenty-one years, fifty thousand dollars; for dona-
tions to colleges, academies and schools, thirty-one
thousand five hundred dollars, as per Acts and reso-
lutions heretofore passed; to the Saints John's Col-
lege, twelve thousand dollars; provided, that none of
the appropriations to colleges, academies and schools
shall be paid to any such institution unless such in-
stitution shall have, before the twentieth day of Jan-
uary, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, made a
full report, as required by law; to the Deaf and
Dumb Asylum at Frederick, twenty-five thousand
dollars, for the eduction of tire deaf and dumb; to
the Maryland Institute for the promotion of Mechan-
ics' Arts, three thousand dollars, as provided by Act
of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter one
hundred and ninety-eight; to Colored Normal School
two thousand dollars, and for the Maryland Agricul-
tural College, the sum of six thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be if enacted. That the Treasurer of
this State shall, upon the warrant of the Comptroller,
disburse the said sums of money herein appropriated
for the objects and purposes specified, to or upon the
order of the person or persons, bodies politic or cor-
porate, severally entitled thereto; and that the seve-
ral public officers to -whom the same or any part
thereof may be paid, shall render quarterly, to the
Comptroller, accounts of the expenditures thereof,
with the proper vouchers thereof, verified by affi-
SEC. 3. And he it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect on the first day of January, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-three.
Approved April 1, 1872.