paving or repairing shall be directed to be done, shall
not reside in said town, the tenant or person occupy-
ing the said house, lot or part of a lot, or who shall
have the care thereof, shall cause the same to he
done, and the money expended thereon by the direc-
tion of the said Burgess and Commissioners shall be
allowed by the owner or owners, and deducted from
the rent due or to become due; and if the tenant or-
person having the care of such house, lot, or part of
a lot shall refuse or neglect to do so, it may be
done by the Burgess and Commissioners, and the
expenses and costs may be recovered by a distrain
and sale of such property.
BE ( . 18. And he it enacted. That the said -Burgess
and Commissioners may open and lay out streets,
lanes, and alleys within the limits of said town when-
ever a majority of the owners immediately interested,
or touching such streets, lanes or alleys directed to
be laid out, shall petition for the same.
SEC. 14. And be It enacted. That upon the reception
of sue}) petition so signed, the Burgess and Commis-
sioners or a majority of them, shall upon a day fixed
(of which the parties interested shall have notice)
examine the premises, and if, in their judgment, the
street, lane, or alley petitioned for shall be necessary
for the convenience of the petitioners, they shall con-
demn the same as necessary for the purpose, and
care fully ascertain the advantages and disadvantages
incurred by the owners of the property injured or
benefited thereby, and lay the amount of the dam-
age sustained by each person damaged, and assess
the amount of advantage upon the property of each
person benefited thereby, and make a record thereof
in the books of the corporation for the inspection of
any person interested.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That any person may
appeal from the decision of the Burgess and Com-
missioners in assessing such advantages to tire Cir-
cuit Court of Washington county, within the time
allowed by law for appeals from judgments of Justices
of the Peace, and shall, in said court, be entitled to
a trial by jury as in other cases.
Tenant to
cause to be
Open and lay
out streets.
In case of re-
ception of
May appeal
from the decision.