AN ACT to incorporate the town of Kedysville, in
Washington county.
SECTIONS 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of Kedysville, in Wash-
ington county, are hereby made a body corporate,
by the name of the "Burgess and Commissioners of
Kedysville," and by that name may sue and be sued,
and have and use a common seal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the hounds of said
town shall be as follows: beginning at a county road
running between Frisby Doup and Samuel Wagoner,
and extending five hundred yards on both sides of
"the turnpike road, i running from Boonsboro to Sharosburg, to a certain road leading to Samuel Poy's mill.
SEC!. 3. And be if enacted, That the male citizens
of Kedysville of the age of twenty-one years and
upwards, who have resided in said town for six
months preceding the election, shall on the -first Sat-
urday in May in each year elect by ballot a burgess,
assistant burgess, three commissioners, having in all
respects the same qualifications as the voters.
SEC. 4. Am! be if enacted. That all elections shall
be held and conducted as shall, from time to time,
be directed by the by-laws of the corporation, not
contrary to this charter.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That if during the year
for which they were elected the burgess or assistant
burgess, or any of tire commissioners shall die, re-
sign, or remove from the town, be non-compos mentis,
or displaced, an election to [to] fill the vacancy shall
be held after ten day's 8' public notice, and all persons
qualified to vote at a regular election may vote at
such special election.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That the person or per-
sons who shall receive the highest number of votes
for the respective offices voted for, shall be declared
duly elected, and if at any election any two or more
persons shall receive an equal number of votes, by
Bounds of
the town.
Elect burgess
and commis-
Conduct of
how filled
number of
votes to elect.