Pass laws and
Open and
establish new
Value and
assess dama-
dollar on the owner of every bitch within said town,.
and the killing of every dog or bitch whose owner
cannot be ascertained, or whose owner shall refuse
to pay said tax, or whose owner shall fail to do so
within one month from the time he shall be notified-
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers shall have power to pass all laws and ordinances,
necessary for grading, regulating, paving and repair-
ing the footways and sidewalks of the streets, lanes
and alleys thereof, in said town, and impose a tax on
any lot or lots fronting on any street, lane or alley,
for the purpose of grading, regulating, paving and
repairing the footways or sidewalks in front thereof,.
agreeably to the ordinances to be passed by them,
and the tax so imposed shall be a lien on the lot or
lots in front of which such sidewalk or footway is
located, the payment thereof to be enforced in the
same manner as hereinafter provided for the pay-
ment of tire annual taxes.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That said commission-
ers shall have power to open and establish new streets,
lanes and alleys, and to straighten and widen and
close old streets, lanes and alleys, and all damages
done, suffered or incurred by the opening, closing,
extension or improving of said streets, lanes and
alleys, shall be determined and assessed, by three
disinterested persons, residents of said town, to be
appointed by said commissioners, and who shall,
within twenty days after notification of their appoint-
ment, take an oath before a Justice of the Peace of"
Wicomico county, that they will faithfully, fairly and
without partiality or prejudice, value and assess the
lose and damage to be suffered and incurred by any
person or persons interested in the property, over
and through which the said street, lane or alley is to
be opened, closed, extended, widened or improved,
and also to estimate the benefits that may accrue
therefrom to any adjacent property, and that they
shall, within ten days after such valuation or assess-
ment, return the same in writing under their hands
and seals, with a certificate of their qualification
before a Justice of the Peace, as hereinbefore pro-
vided, to the commissioners of said town, which said