valuation and assessment shall be ratified or rejected
by the said commissioners as in their judgment may
seem proper, and before actually opening, widening
or altering any street, lane or alley, the said com-
missioners shall pay or tender to the person, his
agent, guardian or representative, the amount of
damage so awarded, and if any person shall feel
aggrieved by the determination of the said com-
missioners in ratifying or rejecting said return, or in
the amount of compensation awarded, or in any
matter relating to the same, he, she or they may ap-
peal within sixty day from said ratification or re-
jection, to the Circuit Court for Wicomico county,:
and the judgment of said court shall be final, and it
shall be the duty of the said commissioners to cause
the papers connected therewith to be delivered to
the clerk of said court, on petition in writing of any
party feeling himself aggrieved, and the persons
appointed to assess the damages as aforesaid, shall
receive such compensation as the commissioners
shall determine.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted. That at the second regu-
lar meeting of the first board of commissioners
elected under this Act, and every third year thereaf-
ter, the said commissioners shall appoint two Asses-
sors of Taxes from among the citizens of the said
Town of Salisbury, entitled to vote for commission-
ers, and before they shall proceed to act as such they
shall take an oath before a Justice of the Peace of
Wicomico county, that they will assess and value
all the property of every sort within said town, with-
out favor, partiality or prejudice, to the best of their
skill and judgment; they shall enter and record in a
book or books to be provided for the purpose, an ac-
curate and fair account of all property of every de-
scription within said town, (notes, bonds and other
private securities excepted,) and the valuation there-
of, together with an alphabetical list of the owners
thereof, which shall be returned by them to the com-
missioners on or before the thirtieth day of June
next after their appointment, and which any person
interested may inspect without charge; and if any
person shall feel aggrieved at the valuation and as-
sessment of Ins, her or their property by said asses-
to ratified.
May appeal
assessors of
To qualify
To make re-
turn of list to