Place of
judges for
each polls
Public notice
of division to
be given.
In force
ary line of said district to the Monocacy River; then
with the meanderings of said river to the crossing of
the Frederick and Monocacy Turnpike Road; then
with the middle of said turnpike road westwardly to
a point immediately opposite Second street in Fred-
crick city; then with the middle of Second street
westwardly to tie place of beginning shall consti-
tute and be the fourth polls or precinct of said elec-
tion district number two, and all voters embraced
within the lines of said precinct shall vote at a poll
to be held at or near Primary School number nine,
in Frederick city.
SEC. 6. And he it further enacted, That the County
Commissioners of Frederick county shall cause polls
to be opened at tire respective places specified in this
Act, and for the purpose aforesaid, and shall also
appoint three Judges of Election for each of said
polls or precincts to receive, count and return the
ballots that may be cast at any election hereafter to
be held.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That immediately
after the passage and approval of this Act, or as soon
thereafter as may be possible, the said County Com-
missioners shall give public notice of the division of
said election district number two into precincts,
and the divisions and bound thereof, as set forth in
this Act, by publication in all the newspapers in said
election district, and such other notice as they may
deem advisable.
SEC. 8. And he it enacted, That the Act passed by
the General Assembly of Maryland on the first day
of February, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
two, chapter fifty-three, entitled an Act to divide
election district number two, in Frederick county,
into two polls, be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect immediately on its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.