said turnpike road, northwardly to Frederick city;
and thence with the middle of Market street to the
intersection of Second street; thence with the mid-
dle of Second street eastwardly to the Frederick and
Monocacy Turnpike Road; thence with the middle
of said turnpike road to the Monocacy River, and
then with the meandering of said river to the place
of beginning, shall constitute and be the second polls
or precinct of said election district number two, and
all voters embraced within said lines shall vote at
some convenient place, to be provided by said County
Commissioners, at or near the market house in Fred-
erick city.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That all that portion of
said election district number two, beginning at the in-
tersection of Market and Patrick streets in Frederick
city; and thence with the middle of Patrick street
and the Frederick and Boonsborough Turnpike Road
westwardly to the boundary line of said district; and
thence with the divisional line between election dis-
trict number two and election district number three
and sixteen till it reaches the road leading from Fred-
erick city to the vilage of Hamburg; and thence
with the middle of said [of said] road till it reaches
Frederick city; and thence with the middle of Sev-
enth street eastwardly to Market street; and thence
southwardly with Market street to the place of be-
ginning, shall constitute and be the third polls or
precinct of election district number two, and all
voters embraced within said lines shall vote at the
Court House in Frederick city.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That all that portion of
Election District number two in said county, begin-
ning at the intersection of Market and Second
street, in Frederick city, and running northwardly
with Market street to the intersection of Seventh
street; then westwardly with Seventh street to the
road leading from Frederick city to the village of
Hamburg; then with the middle of said road till it
reaches the boundary line of said district number
two; then with the boundary line of said district
northwardly to the extreme northwestern boundary
line of said district; thence with the northern bound-
Meets and
Place of
Third polls.
Meets and
Place of
Fourth polls.
Meets and