to hold four
First polls.
Meets and
"Place of
Second polls.
AN ACT to divide election district number two, in
Frederick county, into four polls, and to repeal an
Act passed by the General Assembly of Maryland
on the first day of February, in the year eighteen
.hundred and sixty-two, chapter fifty-three, entitled
" an Act to divide election district number two, in
Frederick county, into two polls."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Fred-
erick county be and they are hereby authorized and
required to hold four polls in district number two,
called Frederick district, of said county.
SEC. 2. And he 'it enacted, That all that portion of
election district number two, beginning at the bound-
ary line of said district at tire crossing of the George-
town Turnpike Road over the Monocacy, and thence
with the middle of said turnpike road northwardly
to Frederick city; thence with the middle of Mar-
ket street to the intersection of Patrick street; thence
with the middle of Patrick street and [and] with the
middle of the Frederick and Boonsborough Turnpike
Road, the boundary line of said. district; thence with
the boundary line of said district southwardly till it
reaches the extreme southwestern point of said dis-
trict; then with the divisional line between said elec-
tion district number two and election district num-
ber one, till it roaches the Monocacy River; then
with the meandering of said river to the place of be-
ginning, shall constitute and be the first polls or pre-
cinct of said election district number two, and all votes
embraced within said lines shall vote at some conve-
nient place to be provided by the said County Com-
missioners at or near the United Fire Companies'
Engine House in Frederick city.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That all that portion
of election district number two in said county, be-
ginning at the boundary line of said district at the
crossing of the Georgetown Turnpike Road over the
Monocacy River; and thence, with the middle of