"have been guilty of the offence charged, the Justice
of the Peace shall hold such defendant or defendants
to bail, or in default of bail shall commit him, her
or them to the jail of Dorchester county, to answer
at -the then next ensuing jury term of the Circuit
Court for said county, in which said court the proceedings against defendant or defendants shall be by
indictment by the Grand Jury, and the trial of the
same before the court and jury in the usual mode of
criminal procedure; and in all such cases, in the
event of the conviction of the party charged, the
sentence of the court shall be for the payment of
such fine, not exceeding twenty dollars in any one
case, as the court shall see fit to impose and costs,
and that the person or persons convicted shall stand
committed until the fines shall be paid, or until the
expiration of the period of thirty days, whichever
shall first occur; and the Sheriff' of said county,
upon the receipt by him of any such fine or fines,
shall forthwith pay over the same to the said com-
missioners, to be applied by them to the corporate
"purposes of said town.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
Sentence of
the Court.
In force.
AN ACT to authorize the Town Commissioners of
Newtown, to endorse the Bonds of the Worcester
and Somerset Railroad Company, to the amount
of five thousand dollars.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the voters of Newtown, in Worcester
county, be and they are hereby authorized to hold
an election, after giving ten days notice thereof, for
.the purpose of deciding by ballot whether they will
to hold an