Shall levy a
Fines, penal-
ties and for-
Duty of Jus-
tice of the
and in making said assessment the said property
shall be valued at its cash. value, and it shall be
chargable according to such valuation with the pub-
lic assessment for the corporate purposes of said
town: provided, the tax levied on said property shall
not exceed, in any one year, fifty cents in the hun-
dred dollars of the assessed value thereof.
46. Whenever the Commissioners shall levy a tax
for the corporate purposes of said town, they shall
make out an alphabetical list of the persons charge-
able therewith, with the sums payable by each an-
nexed, and shall also annex thereto a warrant to the
bailiff to collect the said tax, and the bailiff, within
ten days after receiving such warrant and list, shall
delive to each person therein named an account of the
taxes payable by such person, and unless the said
taxes shall be paid within twenty days after such
account shall have been rendered, the bailiff may
collect the same by distress and sale of the goods and
chatties of the delinquent, and the bailiff shall, within
two months after the receipt of the said warrant and
list, account for and pay the sums collected to the
Commissioners, under a penalty of twenty-five dol-
73. All fines, penalties and forfeitures herein im-
posed for the violation of the charter of the town of
Cambridge, or imposed by any by-law or ordinance
of said town, may be recovered in the name of the
commissioners, before any Justice of the Peace for
Dorchester county, as small debts are recovered, or
in the event of any violation of the charter of the
town of Cambridge, or of any by-law or ordinance
of said town, the said commissioners, or any person
on their behalf, or the bailiff of said town, may make
application on oath to any Justice of the Peace for
Dorchester county, stating the violation of said char-
ter, by-law or ordinance, as the case may be, and the
name or names of the offender or offenders, where-
upon it shall be the duty of such Justice of the Peace
forthwith to issue a warrant in the name of the State
of Maryland for the arrest of the person so charged;
and if, upon the hearing of such case, it shall appear
probable that the defendant or defendants has or