survey and descriptive plat thereof to be made as
soon as convenient after their election, and shall
enter said description and plat upon the record of
their proceedings, and also cause the same to be re-
corded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
for Carroll county, and the said descriptive plat shall
thereupon constitute the boundaries and limits of
the said town; provided, however, that for all sanitary.
and police purposes, the Mayor and Common Coun-
cil shall have and may exercise full authority and
control for one half mile in every direction beyond
the bounds and limits aforesaid.
SEC. 3. And be It enacted, That all persons who,
have resided in the said town of Union Bridge for'
six months, and who are (qualified to vote fin Dele-
gates to the General Assembly, and all other persons
who may hold real estate in said town of the value
of five hundred dollars or more, shall, on the first
Monday in April, eighteen hundred and seventy-
two, and on the same day and month in each and
every year thereafter, elect by ballot one person for
Mayor, and four persons for Common Councilmen,
all of whom shall have raided in the said town one
year previous to the day of the election, and who shall
each be the owner in his own right of real or per-
sonal estate therein assessed at not less than five
hundred dollars, and the said officers shall be known
as " The Mayor and Common Council of the town
of Union Bridge.
SEC. 4. And be if enacted. That Reuben Sayler,
Jonus R. Nonemaker and Jesse Andrews, be and
they are hereby appointed judges of election, to hold
the first election under this Act, and who shall give
at least five days' notice, by posting not less than
three written or printed notices in conspicuous pub-
lic places in said town, of the time and place at which
the said election shall be held, and the said judges of
election, before opening the polls, shall take an oath
or affirmation before some Justice of the Peace of the
said county, to permit every qualified voter as afore-
said to vote and none other, and a majority of the
said three judges shall have power to do all things
named under this section, in case one of them dies
of voters.
Judges to
hold first