Polls to be
kept open.
In case of
death, resig-
nation or re-
moval of
Future elec-
Power to
make by-laws
or refuses to act, and the said judges shall keep the
polls open at least three consecutive hours, and shall
record the names of the voters, and after the closing
of the polls shall count the ballots and announce the
result, and make and. sign a certificate thereof, to be
filed among the records of the said corporation; and
the Mayor and Councilmen then elected shall, as
soon thereafter as convenient, qualify and serve until
the first Monday in April, eighteen hundred and
seventy-three, and until their successors shall be
elected and qualified, and the Mayor and Council-
men so elected shall be qualified in accordance with
article sixty-eight of the Code of Public General
Laws; and a failure to qualify, within fifteen days.
after their election, shall be deemed a refusal on the
part of the party so failing, to accept the office to
which he has been elected.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That if the Mayor or any
member of the Common Council shall die, resign,.
remove from said town, or from any cause shall be
disqualified during the year for which they have
been elected, the Common Council may elect a
Mayor, " ad interum," from their own number, for
the balance of the term.; or the Mayor and remain-
ing members of the Common Council may elect one
or more Councilmen to fill the vacancy for the re-
mainder of the term.
SEC. 6. And he It enacted. That all future elections
shall be held and conducted as shall be from time to
time directed by the laws and ordinances of the said
corporation, and not inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Com-
mon Council shall meet at some convenient place in
said town at least once in every three months, or
oftener, if they they shall deem it necessary, and the
Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Common
Council, and have the same power of voting and
taking part in all acts and deliberations of the Com-
mon Council as any member thereof.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and
Common-Council, or a majority of them, shall have