In force.
over any navigable water or waters, stream or
streams, on the line or route of their said railroad
between the City of Baltimore and Drum Point, as
the said railroad may be located, and on the line or
route of any branch of the said railroad, as the Pres-
ident and Directors of the said company may deem
expedient for the use of the said railroad; provided,
that such bridge or bridges and the fixtures thereof
shall be built upon such plan, and in such condition,
and with such necessary draw or draws as not to
impede navigation, and so as to allow the free pas-
sage, without any unnecessary delay through such
draw or draws, of all vessels that are unable to pass
under such bridge or bridges; and that the said
company is hereby authorized to purchase, and hold,
and maintain any existing bridge or bridges over
any such navigable water, and to use the same for
the crossing of their said railroad, or any branch
thereof, anything in any Act of Assembly author-
izing the building of any such bridge or bridges, to
the contrary notwithstanding; and provided, further,
that any bridge or bridges that may be used by the
said Baltimore and Drum Point Railroad Company
as a erasing over the Patapsco river, between Anne
Arundel county and Baltimore city, shall be con-
structed and maintained by the said company, so as
to afford free, safe and convenient accommodations
for general travel over the same.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take-
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.