to the commissioners, or any one of them, who shall
make such order therein as they or lie may deem just.
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That the rent of the stalls
and shambels of the market-house may be recovered
in the name of the commissioners before a Justice of
the Peace, as small debts are recovered.
SEC. 28. And he it enacted. That the commissioners
may provide by by-laws and ordinances for prevent-
ing swine from being raised within the limits of said
town, except in pens or enclosures, and may in like
manner provide that if any swine be found going at
large within the limits of said town, for their im-
pounding by the bailiffs and sale thereof, and the ap-
propriation of the proceeds of sale; provided the
owner of the said swine does not come forward and
pay or tender to pay all reasonable costs that have
occurred in the impounding and keeping such swine.
SEC. 29. And be it enacted, That all fines, pen-
alties and forfeitures herein imposed for the vio-
lation of the charter of the town of Crisfield, or im-
posed by any ordinance of the commissioners of
said town, may be recovered in the name of the com-
missioners before any .Justice of the Peace for Som-
erset county, as small debts are recovered, and shall
be applied by the commissioners for such public
purposes, for the benefit of the town, as they shall
deem beat.
SEC. 30. And be it enacted. That the commissioners
at their first meeting after an election, shall elect a
President, who shall preside over the deliberations
of the body at all its meetings, and in his absence,
the board shall appoint a temporary chairman.
SEC. 31. And be it enacted, That the Governor is
hereby authorized and empowered to appoint an ad-
ditional Justice of the Peace for Lawson district,
Somerset county, to reside in the lower part of the
said town of Crisfield.
SEC. 32. And he it enacted. That it will be the
duty of the Judges of Election to meet on the Wed-
nesday preceding the day of election, to sit as a
Bent of the
stalls in
.market house
May provide
ordinances in
relation to
Fines, penal-
ties and for-
Elect a Presi-
Governor to
appoint addi-
tional Justice
of the Peace.
Duties of the
Judges of