Duty of the
To provide a
market house
Bailiff to have
charge of.
may appeal.
twenty-one years, insane or lunatic, the value thereof
shall be ascertained by a jury of twelve disinterested
men of the county, having no assessable property
within the limits of said town, and the said com-
missioners shall issue their warrant to the Sheriff of
said county, to summon such jury, and they shall
meet at Crisfield, on a day to be fixed by the Sheriff,
of which the owner or owners of the property to be
condemned shall have notice, and having been sworn
by the Sheriff, without partiality or prejudice, to
value the property, and the damages sustained by
the owner, by means of such condemnation, accord-
ing to the best of their skill and judgment; shall
proceed to make such valuation, and the Sheriff" shall
return the inquisition under his hand and seal, and
under the hands and seals of the jury, to the com-
missioners of said town, to be recorded among the
land records of said county, and the said condemna-
tion shall, upon payment or tender, to the owner or
owners of the property condemned, of the damages
assessed by the inquisition, vest the property con-
demned in the said commissioners.
SEC. 24. Awl be it enacted, That the commission-
ers may establish and provide a market house in the
said town, for the use and convenience of the inhab-
itants thereof, and may, by by-laws and ordinances,
provide for and regulate the sale of all provisions
brought to said town for sale, the trying and adjust-
ing the scales, weights and measures, used at the
market by the standards of the county, and the
seizure and sale to the highest bidder of any found
false or untrue, the renting of the stalls and shambles.
of the market, and for the seizure and sale for the
use of the commissioners, of all butter in prints or
parcels, brought to the said market for sale found
wanting in weight, or unsound, or unwholesome.
, SEC. 25. And be it enacted. That the Bailiffs of the
town shall have charge and supervision over the
market house and markets therein, under the
direction and control of the commissioners.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted', That if any person shall
feel aggrieved by any seizure made by the bailiffs,
he may, within three days after such seizure, appeal