as Judge of
election to
make oath.
how filled.
when held.
May appoint
a clerk.
Shall appoint
Duties of
commissioner of said town, and a certificate of such'
qualification shall be returned by the Justice to the
commissioners, and be filed and recorded among"
their proceedings.
SEC. 7. And he it enacted, That every commissioner
before lie proceeds to act as judge of election, shall
make oath that lie will faithfully and impartially per-
mit every person to vote at such election who shall
be qualified to vote, and that they will not suffer any
person to vote at such election who shall not, in his
judgment, be qualified to vote.
SEC. 8. And be if enacted, That if any vacancy shall
happen in the office of commissioner by death, re-
signation, removal or otherwise, the remaining com-
missioners, at the next regular meeting; shall elect a,
commissioner to serve until the next election, who
shall take the same oath as other commissioners.
SEC. 9. And be it exacted. That the said commis-
sioners shall meet on the second Wednesday in
June ensuing their election, and shall hold stated
quarterly meetings, to be appointed by them by their
own ordinances, and as much oftener as by adjourn-
ment or by ordinance they may direct.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners may appoint a clerk, who shall keep a record
of their proceedings in well bound books, to be pro-
vided by them for that purpose, and to be subject to
the inspection of the inhabitants of said town and all
persons interested therein.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That the said commis-
sioners shall annually, on the second Wednesday of
June, appoint one or more bailiffs, and prescribe his
or their duties, and may pay their clerk and bailiff's.
reasonable compensation.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted. That the bailiff or bailiffs, before they enter up in the duties of their office,
shall take an oath before said commissioners, faith-
fully and impartially to discharge the duties of their
office without favor, affection or prejudice.