office until tire first Wednesday in June, eighteen
hundred and seventy-five; the fourth oldest person
-then elected shall hold his office until the first Wed-
nesday in June, eighteen hundred and seventy-six;
and the fifth oldest person then elected shall hold his
office until the first Wednesday in June, eighteen
hundred and seventy-seven, and the said inhabitants
shall thereafter, on the first Wednesday in June in
each and every year, elect a commissioner, who shall
hold his office for five years, in the place of the com-
missioner whose term of office has expired.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court for Somerset county, shall appoint, by
writing under his hand and seal, three persona to act
as judges to hold the first election for commissioners
of said town, and shall designate the place at which
said election shall be held within the limits of the said
town, and the said judges of election shall keep the
polls open from eight o'clock in the morning until
five o'clock in the afternoon, and shall conduct the
said election in the same manner in which judges of
election are now directed to conduct an election for
delegates to the General Assembly, as far as may be
consistent with the provisions of this Act, and the
said judges shall make returns under their hands
and seals of the persons elected, to the said Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Somerset county, and said
clerk shall give notice in writing to the persons
.elected commissioners, as aforesaid.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That all other elections
for commissioners of said town, except the first elec-
tion, shall be held at such place within the limits of
the town as the commissioners of the town shall
designate and provide; and the commissioners of
said town, or a majority of them, shall be judges
of said election, and the proceedings thereof shall be
recovered under their directions.
SEC, 6. And be it enacted, That every person elected
a commissioner shall, before he enters upon the
.duties of his office, make oath before a Justice of the
Peace that he will diligently and faithfully, without
favor, partiality or prejudice, perform the duties of a
of Judges of
Judges to
make returns
where to be
to quality.