In force.
ceived or derived from said estate, for the payment
of said creditors' claims, with interest thereon, if the
money or assets are sufficient to pay them in full,
if not sufficient to pay said creditors in full with
interest, then said creditors shall be paid pro rata.
If any or all of said creditors are dead, then payment
as aforesaid shall be made to their legal representa-
tives or heirs, by said permanent trustee.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted as aforesaid, That this Act
shall take effect from the date of its passage. All
laws inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed,
as respects this Act only, but as to none other.
Approved March 28, 1872.
City divided
into election
AN ACT to add an additional section to the Public
Local Laws of Allegany county, article one, Al-
legany county, and to repeal sections twenty-four,
twenty-five and twenty-six thereof, and to re-enact
the same with amendments, to read as follows, re-
lating to the City of Cumberland:
SECTION 1. -Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That an additional section be added to the
Public Local Laws of Allegany county, article one,
Allegany county, and that sections twenty-four,
twenty-five and twenty-six thereof be and they are
hereby repealed, and re-enacted with amendments,
to read as follows:
23. The said city is hereby divided into two elec-
tion wards to be known as the " first ward " and
" second ward; " the first ward shall embrace all that
portion of the city lying north and east of the National
or turnpike road leading from Baltimore through
said city to Wheeling; and the election polls in
said ward shall be held at the market-house, and shall
be called the " first ward polls; " the second ward