A SUPPLEMENT to an Act to incorporate the
Lutheran Congregation of St. Paul's, Christ7;-'
Lutheran Church, Saint Matthew's Lutheran
Church, and Mount Zion's Lutheran Church, in
Frederick county, passed at the December session,
eighteen hundred and forty-nine, chapter three
hundred and ten.
WHEREAS, The corporate powers and privilege
heretofore granted by the provisions of the said Act
have expired on the first day of March, eighteen
hundred and seventy, and
WHEREAS, The said congregation of Christ's
Lutheran Church has withdrawn, and formed a sep-
arate and distinct body, and
WHEREAS, The said remaining congregations are
desirous that their corporate powers and privileges
should be renewed and extended, therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Mart/land, That the charter of the said remaining
congregations, to wit: the Lutheran Congregations,
of Saint Paul's, Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church,
and Mount Zion's Lutheran Church, in Frederick
county, as granted and confirmed by the Act to
which this is a supplement, be renewed and extended
until altered or annulled by the General Assembly.
SEC. 2. 'And be it enacted. That tills Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 27, 1872.
Charter re-
newed and
In force.