AN ACT to amend the Act entitled " An Act to
incorporate the Board of Beneficence of St. John's
Independent Methodist Protestant Church in the
City of Baltimore," passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter one hun-
dred and forty-four, by enlarging the capacity of
the said corporation to hold property.
WHEREAS, by the first section of said Act of in-
corporation, it is provided that the clear yearly value
of the real and personal property of said corporation
shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars, and
WHEREAS, since the last session of the General
Assembly of Maryland a final division of the estate
of John Clarke has been made between said corpo-
ration and the family and heirs at law of said John
Clarke, under the sanction of a decree of the Circuit
Court of Baltimore city, and as one of the terms of
the division and decree, it was agreed and provided
that the said corporation might and should procure
an Act of Assembly repealing the said restriction,
and enabling it to hold any greater amount, of pro-
perty it might desire, to the granting of which Act of
Assembly the assent of said heirs at law and of said
court was given in the proceedings and set forth in
the said decree.
SECTION 1. Be. it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That so much of the Act entitled an
Act to incorporate the Board of Beneficence of St.
John's Independent Methodist Protestant Church in
the City of Baltimore, passed at the January session,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter one hun-
dred and forty-four, as restricts the said corporation
from holding real and personal property of greater
clear yearly value than twenty thousand dollars, be,
and the same is hereby repealed; provided, neverthe-
less, that the clear yearly value of the real and per-
sonal property of the said corporation shall not exceed
forty thousand dollars.