AN ACT to refund to Edward W Mealey, admin-
istrator of Edward M. Mealey, of Washington
county, deceased, the sum of four hundred and
forty-two dollars and seventy cents, the amount of
a bail-bond, interest, and costs, forfeited to the
State by Edward M. Mealey, of Washington
county, deceased, as surety for Leo Albaugh.
WHEREAS, In the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
nine, a certain Edward M. Mealey, became security
for the appearance at the November term, eighteen
hundred and sixty-nine, of the Circuit Court for
"Washington county, of one Leo Albaugh, and the
said Leo Albaugh did appear, and his case was con-
tinued to the March term, eighteen hundred and
seventy, of said court, and the bail-bond renewed, and
WHEREAS, The said Leo Albaugh was arrested in
Allegany county, and confined in Allegany county
jail, on another charge, and the authorities in whose
charge he was, refused to deliver him over to the
proper authorities of Washington county in time to
answer at the March term, eighteen hundred and
seventy, of said court, whereby said bail-bond was
forfeited, and
WHEREAS, Before the next term of said court,
said Leo Albaugh was dead, and could not be pro-
duced to answer the charge, therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Comptroller be and lie is hereby
authorized and required to issue his warrant to the
'Treasurer, to pay to Edward W. Mealey, adminis-
trator of -Edward M. Mealey, late of Washington
county, deceased, the sum of four hundred and forty-
two dollars and seventy cents, being the amount of
.a bail-bond, interest and costs, forfeited by said
Edward M. Mealey, as surety for one Leo Albaugh.
SEC. 2. And he it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 27, 1872.
to issue war-
rant to pay
Edward W.
In force.