created a body politic by the name, style and title of
the " Phoenix Manufacturing Company of Baltimore
County," and by that name to have perpetual suc-
cession, and shall be capable in law to sue and be
sued, to implead and be impleaded, to answer and be
answered, in any Court of law or equity, to make
and use a common seal, and the same to alter at
pleasure, to purchase, hold, improve and use, or con-
vey estate, real, personal and mixed, to the extent
and for the purposes mentioned in this Act, and to
do and perform all such other acts in relation to the
objects and purposes of their incorporation herein-
after declared and necessary to the exercise of the
rights and powers granted by this Act, which any
other corporate body may lawfully do; provided, that
the same shall not be repugnant to any law of this
State, or of the United States.
SEC. 2. That the objects of this Corporation are
declared to be manufacturing of cotton or woolen
goods, or such other articles of use or consumption,
as may by them be deemed desirable or profitable in
the premises, consistent with this Act, and they are
hereby authorized to have, hold, use or convey by
purchase, sale or otherwise, such lands, water (or
other) powers, tenements, tools, machinery, imple-
ments, goods and chattels, as may be lawfully
obtained, that may be necessary, in their option, for
the successful operations of their business, and shall
hold the same for the use of the Company hereby
SEC. 3. That the capital stock of the " Phoenix
Manufacturing Company of Baltimore county," shall
be one hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into
shares of twenty-five dollars each, with the right and
power in said company to increase its capital stock
from time to time, as it may elect, to any sum not
exceeding the whole cost to said company, of lands,
powers, buildings, improvements, machinery, materi-
als, stock and other property, in any event not to exceed
the sum of three hundred thousand dollars; the sub-
scriptions to the capital stock may be made payable
in money, or in real or personal property, appropri-
ated to the business contemplated by this Act, at such
Use common
to hold prop-
Capital stock
Amount of.