AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners
of Allegany county, to correct the charges and
assessments of property of Curtin M. Graham,
Sarah Wright and Rebecca Cresap, and have the
same properly valued and entered iir the books
of valuation and assessment of property in Alle-
gany county, and to refund taxes paid twice on
any property of either or both of them, for any
year since the last general assessment.
SUCTION 1. Be if enacted by the General Assemble of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Alle-
gany county be) authorized to have the property now
owned by Rebecca Cresap, Sarah Wright and Curtin
M. Graham, and by each of them, properly valued
and charged against them and each of them on the
tax books of the said county, and to refund or levy
back to them such taxes as they shall satisfy said
County Commissioners have been paid, since tin'
yell' eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, in excess of
the amounts due on all of the property 'which they
have been properly charged with, according to the
assessment books and annual rates of tax, and the
property charged on said books.
SEC. I. And be It enacted. That tilts' Act shall take.
effect from and after the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
to properly
value certain
In force.
AN ACT to refund to Benjamin G. Hearn, of
Wicomico county, the sum of thirty dollars and
sixty cents for money erroneously paid by him
into the Treasury.
SECTION 1. Be if enacted by the General Assembly (if
Maryland, That the Comptroller be and he is herein
to issue will-